Fly-fishing for Pike


SKU: DVD21360 Category:


DVD 21360
Running Time: 90 mins

David is renowned as a successful and innovative fly-fisher for pike. He is a full time professional guide who writes for Fly Fishing & Fly Tying and demonstrates at gamefairs and fly-fishing shows. His book, Fly-fishing for Pike, is essential reading for anyone interested in this exciting sport.
His flies and techniques have accounted for pike from many different types of water and from many countries.
In this, the first of a series of DVDs, David shows how to set out on the adventure that is fly-fishing for pike.
He discusses flies, tackle, casting and basic techniques. We also join him on a variety of different waters and see him catch a number of pike (including an obliging twenty-pounder)
This DVD is intended to give the aspiring pike fly-fisher the knowledge and confidence to enjoy the absorbing and challenging sport that fishing for a hard fighting, wild quarry provides.