Sporting Pigeon Shooting Introduction


SKU: DVD211184 Categories: ,


DVD 211184
Running Time: 95 mins

Pigeon shooting continues to grow in popularity as more and more sporting shooters realise the supreme tests of field craft and marksmanship that the bird can offer. This programme gives a comprehensive overview of the equipment and tactics that will give you the best chance of success in the range of situations that the sport can present. For newcomers to the sport, as well as those shooters looking for hints and tips that will give them an edge in field, this programme will be an invaluable reference to come back to time and time again.

Peter Theobald is a renowned pigeon shooter with 30 years plus experience of pitting his wits against this most exciting quarry. A farmer based in Essex he is also an established author on the subject. His book ‘The Woodpigeon’ remains required reading for pigeon shooters while his monthly pigeon shooting articles for Sporting gun put him at the centre of the issues affecting the sport.

David Westwood is Proprietor of Pinewood Sporting Products – one of the country’s largest suppliers of specialist shooting and decoying equipment. Committed to continual innovation and research on production techniques and materials, David is a leading authority on the equipment that fools pigeons not shooters. A shooter of over 30 years experience, David is based in Gloucestershire.

The wood pigeon provides some of the most exciting and sporting shooting there is. As a truly wild quarry it is the shooter’s sole responsibility to give the bird and the sport the respect it deserves to safeguard tomorrows’ shooting.