Nymphs & Bugs – Vol 3



DVD 63
Running Time: 95 mins

Lots of the food eaten by river and lake trout is taken from beneath the water surface: shrimps, snails, larv’ and nymphs from the bottom and fully grown nymphs and pup’ rising to hatch at the surface. Some imitations of the subsurface life are very ancient yet still very effective: the spider wet flies. Malcolm Greenhaigh ties a ‘cast of three’ for us. He also demonstrates the tying of other more modern patterns that can be adapted, by changing size and colour, to match a wide range of aquatic nymphs and bugs. Additionally we look at methods of presenting these effectively in lake and river.

Note for the nymph fisher: two other volumes in this series include volumes in this series include some of the nymph and bug tyings:

