DVD 211125
Running Time: 50 mins
The red legged or French Partridge is more commonly found on shoots today mainly due to the ease of rearing.
For the sportsman the red legged Partridge provides good sport early in the season, it presents itself well from cover belts of game crops strategically placed to present a high flying bird. It is also common practice to introduce French Partridges with Pheasants to provide a mixed bag on some shoots.
Steve Denny, Chief Instructor at the West Wycopmbe Shooting Ground, takes a pupil already familiar with game shooting through a series of targets simulating driven Partridge, explaining common mistakes made and how to overcome them.
Fast driven game is often associated with Partridge and Steve Denny demonstrates the technique of double gun shooting and how to work safely with a loader.
We follow the pupil’s progress to a day in the shooting field, where accompanied by Steve Denny they discuss the problems that arise on a typical day with the emphasis on safety.